Wednesday 4 May 2016

Adding content to Website

We continued working on our websites this week. Although Altmetrics is a relatively new concept (the term was coined by Jason Priem in 2010), much has been written about it. There are those who advocate Altmetrics and those who criticize metrics in all forms. Regardless of your stance on Altmetrics, it is here to stay and librarians should understand altmetrics to support the research community.

What  to add to my website is not an easy task. It is important to remember that people visit a website for content, although the design is equally important. I have to determine who my target audience will be. Knowing who I'm speaking to through my website, will provide clarity on the content. Because metrics deal with scholarly publications, my target audience will be researchers, academics, students, librarians, etc.

Take a look at this video by Jesse Smith on:

How to Write Effective Website Content - YouTube

I hope to have enough content by next week to populate my website. This involves a lot of reading and filtering of information. For now, I am concentrating on matters at hand, which are presenting my essay in tonight's class and writing an essay for another module.

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