Friday 27 May 2016

Web content & Creative Commons

This week we continued working on our websites and blogs. We uploaded podcasts and video content to our websites. Just like with images, we have to find videos that we can share legally without copyright infringement, as some videos are protected with copyright. Laura Tucker gives a useful guide to finding non copyrighted material in her article called 5 websites to find creative commons videos. A creative commons license allows the free distribution and use of otherwise copyrighted work.

I've read much on my topic, altmetrics, and it is not easy to decide which content to add. Much is written on the topic, despite it being a relatively new concept. Before this course I did not really have much interest in the topic - I was still trying to make sense of other metrics such as bibliometrics. My exposure to the concept however has broadened my knowledge and sparked my interest. I have two more pages to populate before my website is complete and I'm looking forward to seeing the result.

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